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Eagles more likely to release Jeffery with new CBA deal; Seek greener pastures

15 March 2020 Uncategorized

With all of the drama that has unfolded the past couple of seasons, I think it’s safe to say the Eagles and Alshon Jeffery are ready for a split. Whether all of the drama was true or not, you can see that it was an ongoing distraction that the Eagles didn’t need.

With the approval of the NFL’s new collective bargaining agreement, it looks like that scenario may just come to fruition.

The Eagles can now release Jeffery with a June 1st designation. That means that this will allow them to spread the $26.1 million in dead money, over the next two seasons.

If the Eagles decide to release Jeffery, with this new deal in place, it would cost around $16.5 MIL in 2020 and $9.6 MIL in 2021, in dead cap space.

When looking at the math, it looks like it would cost the Eagles around an extra million per year, being spread over two years. Either way, it’s great for them in the long scheme of things.

If they were to release him before this new deal, the entire $26.1 in dead money would have gone against them for this season alone.

If that were still the case and the deal had not been done, I wouldn’t be too sure that the Eagles were going to move on from him.

Though Jeffery’s play had diminished and he was dealing with injuries, that’s still a large amount of dead money, at a position you really need help in.

It’d also be very hard to trade him with two years left, on the four-year extension that he signed at the end of the 2017 season. With the drama also came lackluster play, last year. I’m not sure if anyone will want that on their team, unless it’s the Dallas Cowboys.

Jeffery will also be returning from Lisfranc surgery that he just had in December. The injury occured in a Week 14 win over the Giants and wound up ending his 2019 campaign.

The recovery usually takes around eleven months, so it’s tough to say he’ll be ready for the beginning of the 2020 season. Honestly, he could end up missing half of the season or more, if it doesn’t recover correctly. Only time will tell there…

With the new CBA, also comes more cap space, as it’s been raised $10 MIL. Going from $188.2 MIL to now $198.2 MIL. The Eagles have been said to have anywhere between $40-47 MIL. Not only does that soften the blow of possibly cutting Alshon but that will give the Eagles more room to add players through Free Agency and sign picks from their draft class, as well as Undrafted Free Agents.

The rosters will also be expanded from 53 to 55 players. Practice squad will go from 10 to 12 players and the game day actives will go from 46 to 48.

This will give the Eagles a better chance at replacing Jeffery and finding another diamond in the rough at the WR position, like Greg Ward.

Let’s just hope the Eagles use their load of cash in Free Agency and their 10 picks in the draft (7 in the first 4 rounds), wisely!

There are some really talented receivers in this upcoming draft and in Free Agency. I think the Eagles will surround Wentz with weapons who are hung and want to win. Don’t be surprised if they’re a top 3 offense by next season!

Fly Eagles Fly!