Parking lot picks: Score predictions from the 4thandJawn squad
6 September 2018 Uncategorized
Tonight’s the night, the Philadelphia Eagles are set to defend their crown and the first team in their way is the Atlanta Falcons.
It’s important for the Eagles to get off to a good start this season and start off with a win. Here at 4thandJawn, all of us expect the Eagles to win expect one writer, below is our predictions.
ERock: 27-20 birds
Braxton Howard: 31-27 birds
Michael Bish: 27-23 Eagles
Brendan Walker: 24-21 birds
Gayle Saunders: 28-21 Birds
Laurie Fitzpatrick: 27-17 Eagles
Lacey Wallen: 21-17 Birds
Kelly Carpenter: 27-24 Eagles
Tyler Edgerton: 20-17 falcons
Anthony Fabrikant: 24-14 Birds: Although Foles hasn’t looked sharp to start, defense minimizes Julio’s impact on the game, as a young secondary lays the seed for a strong season in combination with a dominate pass rush. Furthermore Philadelphia be able to run the ball behind a healthy offensive line with a talented backfield and raucous crowd.
Ryan Neal: 31 – 24 Eagles: Although the Eagles struggled offensively this preseason, in front of their home crowd and Super Bowl Champions’ Banner, the Eagles offense will explode for 31 points.